Notes on compiling AMIDE and associated programs on Mac OS X and creating an app bundle
This is a long, involved process, and assumes a good command of
standard GNU build environments. Be aware that these notes are
fragmentary and may contain bugs and omissions.
At present, (amide 1.0.5) I'm building on OS X 10.9. The generated
binaries should work on 64-bit OS 10.7-10.9 systems. There's also
instructions below for generating a 32-bit build if that's
General notes. Not currently using a common framework for gtk, as this
is not ready for distribution yet per the gtk-osx.sf.net site. As
such, all libraries (including GTK) will be included in the AMIDE app
XCode: Need to have XCode installed.
GTK-OSX install:
- Goto http://www.gtk.org/download/macos.php
- Follow the "Building GTK-OSX" directions.
- You will need to add the following in .bashrc:
export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
- Run "source .bashrc" to load this into the shell.
- GIT: If your version of OS X/X Code does not include GIT, will need to
install it.
- Setup jhbuild for either 32bit or 64bit building. Will need to
edit .jhbuildrc-custom with the moduleset and setup_sdk edits
suggested under the "Snow Leopard and Lion" portion of the building
page. Use the following for the setup_sdk line for 32-bit support:
setup_sdk(target="10.7", sdk_version="10.7", architectures=["i386"])
Or if building a 64-bit binary:
setup_sdk(target="10.7", sdk_version="10.7", architectures=["x86_64"])
- Also should probably add the following to the end of
.jhbuildrc-custom to prevent rebuilding dependencies that have
already been built:
build_policy = "updated-deps"
- In the following build step, if you get an error about missing
libxml2 module, use option "2" (ignore errors and continue).
- need to build:
jhbuild bootstrap
jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap
jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-core
- GTK-OSX additional modules:
jhbuild build libart_lgpl
- Probably need to build freetype and fontconfig
jhbuild build freetype
jhbuild build fontconfig
Patches for gtk. The first patch is for a change in
gdk_quartz_gc_update_cg_context made after gtk 2.24.1 that broke the
pixbuf support in libgnomecanvas. This seems to only be problem if
nonantialised canvases were used (prior to amide version 1.0.3) and
this patch now appears to be skippable. The second patch is for the
case where the directory that recently-used.xbel is located have not
yet been created, this causes a crash when the amide_log_handler sets
of this error as g_log is called leading to recursion.
Get this patch: gtk+-2.24.6_libgnomecanvas_fix.patch
Get this patch: gtk+-2.24.21_mkdir_for_recently_used.patch
jhbuild shell
cd gtk/source/gtk+-2.24.21 [or whatever the current version of gtk+ is]
patch -p1 < gtk+-2.24.6_libgnomecanvas_fix.patch [No longer needed for amide version > 1.0.2]
patch -p1 < gtk+-2.24.21_mkdir_for_recently_used.patch
make install
Get the following file: amide.modules. This file contains instructions for jhbuild to build AMIDE and various other needed packages.
GTK-OSX libgnomecanvas:
When used in antialiased mode, libgnomecanvas utilizes freetype to
draw its fonts. This creates a problem when packaging AMIDE, as the
freetype/fontconfig libraries don't like to be relocated. To get
around this, the following patch makes libgnomecanvas draw its fonts
through a more generic gdk/pango interface - this will end up being
the atsui pango module on current OS X builds.
Get this patch: libgnomecanvas_ft2_dep_removed2.patch
jhbuild -m amide.modules build libgnomecanvas
DCMTK: to get dcmtk running:
CFLAGS=-D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE CXXFLAGS=-D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE jhbuild -m amide.modules buildone dcmtk
Recently, configure doesn't seem to run automatically when doing
this above. If you get an error initially after the jhbuild command,
try choosing option "7" (configure).
Then do the following to get the dictionary built into the library.
jhbuild shell
cd ~/gtk/source/dcmtk-3.6.1
cd dcmdata/libsrc
make mkdictbi
./mkdictbi ../data/dicom.dic ../data/private.dic > dcdictbi.cc
cd ../..
make install
make install-lib
notes/todo: dcmtk is currently built as static library. ideal would be a shared lib.
jhbuild -m amide.modules buildone xmedcon
notes/todo: xmedcon binary errors out, appears to be a problem with
gtk_style_get_font in fancy.c. It's okay for now, as all we really
need for amide is the library.
jhbuild -m amide.modules buildone volpack
jhbuild -m amide.modules buildone gsl
Currently building with ffmpeg-2.1.3, available from the website.
For 32-bit binaries:
./configure --prefix=/Users/loening/gtk/inst --enable-shared --disable-static --arch=x86_32
[ edit config.mak, add "-arch i386" to the end of CFLAGS and LDFLAGS]
For 64-bit binaries:
./configure --prefix=/Users/loening/gtk/inst --enable-shared --disable-yasm \\
--disable-static --arch=x86_64
I disable yasm so I don't have to install it. Also note, the
configure script doesn't recognize ~ as the home directory, so
have to specify the full path.
make install
cd ~/gtk/inst/include
ln -s ./ ffmpeg
jhbuild -m amide.modules buildone amide
When building amide, it'll give you errors about being unable to
import libxml2. I haven't gotten around to fixing this, it's only a
problem with the help files so I'm skipping it for now. Just use
option 2 (ignore errors and continue).
- Currently using gtk-mac-bundler-0.7.0.tar.gz - obtained via GIT. Unpack the tarball, cd into the directory, and perform the following:
make install
- Grab the amide.bundle, amide.icns, amide.plist, gtkrc, and
launcher.sh file from the gtk/source/amide-XYZ/macosx
- Edit launcher.sh, and insert the current [VERSION] where
specified near the top.
- then:
jhbuild shell
export PATH=$PREFIX/bin:~/.local/bin:$PATH
gtk-mac-bundler amide.bundle
- To get the gdkpixbuf loaders working correctly (needed to export JPEG's)
gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders | \
sed 's#/Users/.*loaders/#@executable_path/../Resources/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/loaders/#' \
> ~/Desktop/AMIDE.app/Contents/Resources/etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders
- And finally:
zip -r amide-[VERSION]-1_osx_[32 or 64]bit.zip AMIDE.app