
AMIDE: Amide's a Medical Imaging Data Examiner




  • Loening AM, Gambhir SS, " AMIDE: A Free Software Tool for Multimodality Medical Image Analysis", Molecular Imaging, 2(3):131-137, 2003. [Link]
  • Loening AM, Gambhir SS, "AMIDE: A completely free system for medical imaging data analysis", Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 42(5):192P, 2001. Poster [pdf]

Miscellaneous Notes:

  • Instructions for generating the AMIDE Mac OS X app package for versions 0.9.2 and later.
  • Instructions for generating the AMIDE windows package for versions 1.0.3 and later.
  • Instructions for creating a CD with a copy of AMIDE on it (courtesy of Erik Nolf).

Old Notes:

  • Instructions for generating the AMIDE Mac OS X app package for versions 1.0.2 and prior.
  • Instructions for generating the AMIDE Mac OS X app package for versions 1.0.0 and prior.
  • Instructions for generating the AMIDE windows package for versions 1.0.2 and prior.
  • Instructions for generating the AMIDE windows package for versions 0.8.22 and prior.

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