
AMIDE: Amide's a Medical Imaging Data Examiner


Old Mac OS X Installation Instructions

Installing on Mac OS X versions prior to 10.6 makes heavy use of the fink unix add on distribution for OS X. As of this writing, the following systems are supported:

  • Mac/PPC OS Version 10.3.9 with Fink version 0.7.2. Mac/PPC OS version 10.4 with Fink 0.8.0 is known to work, although a number of warning messages will be generated during the install process that can be safely ignored.
  • Mac/Intel OS Version 10.4 with Fink version 0.8.1

Mac OS version 10.2 is no longer supported.

To install AMIDE on Mac OS X, follow these directions:
  1. Install You can get from Apple.
  2. Install Fink. Follow their directions on the web page.
  3. Tell Fink to look at the AMIDE packages in addition to those in the regular fink distribution by doing the following:
    1. Open up a terminal window (using either or, and edit /sw/etc/apt/sources.list (you can use pico, type "sudo pico /sw/etc/apt/sources.list" from the command prompt). Add the following lines to the end of the file:
      • For Mac/PPC
        # AMIDE
        deb file:/sw/fink amide-10.3 main
        deb 10.3/current main 
      • For Mac/Intel
        # AMIDE
        deb file:/sw/fink amide-10.4 main
        deb 10.4/current main 
    2. Now edit /sw/etc/fink.conf (again, you can use pico, type "sudo pico /sw/etc/fink.conf" from the command prompt) and to the Trees line add "amide-10.3/main" or "amide-10.4/main", so the line reads as follows:
      • For Mac/PPC
        Trees: local/main stable/main stable/crypto amide-10.3/main 
      • For Mac/Intel
        Trees: local/main stable/main stable/crypto amide-10.4/main 
      Make sure that the above is a single line. Pico has a tendency to wrap the line if it gets to long, which will mess things up.
  4. Run "fink scanpackages".
  5. Get new package information with "sudo apt-get update".
  6. Install everything with "sudo apt-get install amide".
  7. Now, start, go to the menu entry "Applications->Customize", and for the terminal entry, change the command from "xterm" to "xterm -ls". Also, edit the file /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc (you can use "sudo pico /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc" from the command prompt) and change the line that says "xterm &" to "xterm -ls &".
  8. Restart the console/xterm, and run "amide". Note, the first time you run AMIDE, loading may take a long time as the pango library generates some font caching information. Subsequent loads will be much faster.

Old Mac OS X Upgrade Instructions

Upgrading should be as simple as running "sudo apt-get update" followed by "sudo apt-get upgrade".

In some instances, an upgrade may fail because the upgrade requires additional packages that aren't currently installed. To get around this, try a "sudo apt-get install package", where package is the additionally required package, and then rerun "sudo apt-get upgrade".

last modified AML 2010-02-23 Validate: CSS & HTML Project hosted by: Logo