Old Mac OS X Installation Instructions
Installing on Mac OS X versions prior to 10.6 makes heavy use of the fink unix add on distribution
for OS X. As of this writing, the following systems are supported:
- Mac/PPC OS Version 10.3.9 with Fink version 0.7.2. Mac/PPC OS
version 10.4 with Fink 0.8.0 is known to work, although a number of
warning messages will be generated during the install process that
can be safely ignored.
- Mac/Intel OS Version 10.4 with Fink version 0.8.1
Mac OS version 10.2 is no longer supported.
To install AMIDE on Mac OS X, follow these directions:
- Install X11.app. You can get X11.app from
- Install Fink.
Follow their directions on the web page.
- Tell Fink to look at the AMIDE packages in addition to
those in the regular fink distribution by doing the following:
- Open up a terminal window (using either Terminal.app or
X11.app), and edit /sw/etc/apt/sources.list (you can use pico,
type "sudo pico /sw/etc/apt/sources.list" from the command
prompt). Add the following lines to the end of the file:
- For Mac/PPC
deb file:/sw/fink amide-10.3 main
deb http://www.stanford.edu/~loening/fink 10.3/current main
- For Mac/Intel
deb file:/sw/fink amide-10.4 main
deb http://www.stanford.edu/~loening/fink 10.4/current main
- Now edit /sw/etc/fink.conf (again, you can use pico, type
"sudo pico /sw/etc/fink.conf" from the command prompt) and to
the Trees line add "amide-10.3/main" or "amide-10.4/main", so the
line reads as follows:
Make sure that the above is a single line. Pico has a tendency
to wrap the line if it gets to long, which will mess things up.
- Run "fink scanpackages".
- Get new package information with "sudo apt-get update".
- Install everything with "sudo apt-get install amide".
- Now, start X11.app, go to the menu entry
"Applications->Customize", and for the terminal entry, change
the command from "xterm" to "xterm -ls". Also, edit the file
/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc (you can use "sudo pico
/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc" from the command prompt) and change
the line that says "xterm &" to "xterm -ls &".
Restart the console/xterm, and run "amide". Note, the first
time you run AMIDE, loading may take a long time as the pango
library generates some font caching information. Subsequent
loads will be much faster.
Old Mac OS X Upgrade Instructions
Upgrading should be as simple as running "sudo apt-get update"
followed by "sudo apt-get upgrade".
In some instances, an upgrade may fail because the upgrade requires
additional packages that aren't currently installed. To get around
this, try a "sudo apt-get install package", where package is the
additionally required package, and then rerun "sudo apt-get upgrade".